Worship online
There are many ways to join us in worship and prayer whilst being unable to gather together and we would love to see you there. The links for all our online content are at the bottom of this page.
Sunday Services are livestreamed on Facebook at 10am which are then uploaded to YouTube by 1pm so you can view it there alongside our chosen selection of Hymns and a sermon from our Bishops. (For more information please visit our Sunday Services section).
Each week we gather on Facebook Live for Morning Prayer on Mondays at 9am. We also end the week with Evening Prayer, Fridays at 5pm on Facebook Live. Visit our Facebook page here (no Facebook account is needed).
On our YouTube channel we have Rona's Reflections (available every Wednesday) alongside all our Sunday Holy Communion Services. Explore our YouTube Channel here.
Soul Space is our reflective service which happens twice a month on Facebook and YouTube and more details can be found here.
Youth and Children's sessions are also available online and we offer a Children's Corner on Sundays which are livestreamed on Facebook and then subsequently uploaded to YouTube. As are our Todder Time sessions which happen on a Monday. For more information about our virtual Children's Work (including virtual assemblies) then please visit our Children's Corner
We also offer some reflective posts on our Instagram account which you can see here.
We'd love to see you on any of our other online spaces using the links below: