

8am Holy Communion - Book of Common Prayer

followed by coffee in Church 


10am Parish Communion *- Common Worship

followed by coffee in the Centre.

Once a month- 4:00pm Inter-Church

followed by coffee and cake in Church


*On the 1st Sunday of every month, this is an

10am All Age Service (without communion)


The 10am service is also shown live on Facebook.



10:30am Communion - Common Worship 


This service is held in the Church Centre and everyone if invited to stay for Coffee Club afterwards. 

Daily Prayer 

9:00am Morning Prayer -

Held on Tuesdays in Church 


If you are interested in exploring daily prayer for yourself, please click the link below to take you to the Church of England website where you will find prayer for different times of the day 

Daily Prayer

Seasonal and Special Services 

To find out more about our upcoming seasonal or special services please take a look at our calendar. 

