Christian Aid Week 12th to 18th May 2024

As is our tradition, St John’s is raising money for Christian Aid. Envelopes will be available at our services on 12th May and at the Church office, if you would like to donate, or you can give through our e-envelope on the Christian Aid website. This QR code will take you to it or you can go to - SaintJohns - Christian Aid Envelope

This year’s appeal is focusing on Burundi, one of the most densely populated and poorest countries in Africa. Heavily reliant on agriculture, it’s also one of the least prepared to combat the effects of climate change, including droughts, floods and landslides. More than 70 per cent of the population live in poverty and more than half of children are chronically malnourished.
Alongside local partners, Christian Aid helps establish Village Savings and Loans Associations (VSLAs). These community-led groups allow people to save and borrow money, making small businesses possible, so families can eat regularly, get medicine when they need it, and build safer homes.

Thirty-five-year-old Aline Nibogora is the chairperson of a VSLA which supports some 25 families in a remote village in Makamba Province. Aline escaped an abusive marriage only to find herself on the streets begging for a place to stay. Her life changed when she went to a Christian Aid-funded community workshop. With a small start-up loan, Aline began trading avocados and peanuts locally. She’s now a grocery wholesaler and living on her own plot of land where she’s building a home for her family. She’s been able to buy a bike to help her run her business.

Aline Nibogora poses with her three sons (from left to right) Vyukesenge Aubi, Fisto Niyoyandemye and Irumva Devis.
“I don't want my children to have a painful life like mine - remembering it makes me weep. I could never have dreamed I would one day have a brick house and be a successful businesswoman, able to feed and clothe my children. This is a plan and I will do it; I am a woman who is an achiever.”