The YPMF was launched on Sunday, 9th June. It’s a campaign to raise funds to develop our ministry to young people. You should have guessed by now that YPMF stands for Young People’s Ministry Fund. Our target is £150,000 which will fund us for five years.

Tim and Robert delivered a joint sermon sharing how they first heard the Jesus story; the one thirty years ago, the other eighty years ago. How different now from then! Today we need really vibrant and exciting ways of telling the Jesus story and that needs specialist resources, time, imagination and knowledge of today’s young people. That’s what the YPMF will help us do.

The YPMF Booklet was given to all attending that Sunday’s services – at the ten o’clock it was our young people themselves who gave it out. The Booklet describes in detail the why’s and wherefores of our campaign; how to donate either by a single one-off donation, by regular monthly contributions and by a third way – the Legacy Way.  The Booklet invites you to give its contents careful consideration and to then review how much you could afford to contribute. It even gives you a prayer to pray and a dotted line to sign on.

If you don't have a copy of the YPMF Booklet, you can download it here.

St. John’s is good at exciting projects; we built the Centre twenty years ago and we renewed the church building itself ten years ago. Now the YPMF campaign is this decade’s really exciting project.






We have now received £37,500 in donations and promises towards our target of £150,000.


That’s another step towards what’s needed to guarantee we can spread the news of Christ to young people for the next five years. Well done and thankyou to all have contributed so far.


For all of you who are still thinking of giving, don’t forget you can give either by:

- A one-off donation now. If you feel you cannot commit just now, a promise in say a year’s time would be just as helpful.

- Or spreading the gift by a regular monthly donation over a five-year period.


You can also consider leaving a legacy to St. John’s in your will. This enables us to use current reserves for the young people’s ministry with confidence that they will be replenished in the long term.


Our YPMF Booklet describes what the YPMF how we can give. If you have lost your copy or haven’t yet received one, ask at the Office or a Sidesperson next Sunday. Please study it, perhaps pray the special prayer and respond as best you can.


From Tim, Robert and the PCC