Donations for Ukraine closing on 27th May

Donations for Ukraine closing on 27th May

Donations for Ukraine closing on 27th May

# News

Donations for Ukraine closing on 27th May

Thank you so much for supporting the people of Ukraine with your generous donations. As there are now many local collection points, our final collection day will be 27th May

Until then we're collecting:

  • Tinned food
  • Tin openers
  • Pot noodles
  • Dried food, pasta, soups and snacks
  • Water
  • Medical / first aid items / medicines
  • Toiletries
  • Nappies and baby toiletries

St John’s Church, 222 Epsom Road, Merrow, Guildford GU4 7AA is open for donations:

Monday to Thursday 9:30am to 5:00pm

Friday 09:30am to 3:00pm

Sorry but we can't accept any more donations after 27th May.

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