St. John’s Men’s Fellowship Breakfast - Saturday 27th November

St. John’s Men’s Fellowship Breakfast - Saturday 27th November

St. John’s Men’s Fellowship Breakfast - Saturday 27th November

# Men's Fellowship

St. John’s Men’s Fellowship Breakfast - Saturday 27th November

St. John's Men's Fellowship Breakfast - 27th November 2021

At the end of November, the Men's Fellowship group enjoyed another of our popular breakfast gatherings. This time, our very own Mr. Ian Farr gave us a very enlightening and most thought provoking talk about his experiences as a Justice of the Peace (JP). Ian shared with us how he became a JP, what happens in court and a view on some of the very tricky cases and hence judgements that he encountered. Needless to say, after his talk, Ian was thoroughly cross-examined by those present. 

As ever a delicious hot breakfast was enjoyed by all - fortunately without porridge.

Look out for our next event in 2022.

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