A Contemplation before Mothering Sunday

A Contemplation before Mothering Sunday

A Contemplation before Mothering Sunday

# Reflections

A Contemplation before Mothering Sunday

Hello and welcome to this contemplation before Mothering Sunday. It fits into the reflection series, but is a little different as it focuses on poems and prayers around the subject of Mothering Sunday, which can be a difficult time for some of us. 

I’d like to begin with a light-hearted prayer written by Frances Copsey. It talks about not having a very good day, which is so relevant as we come to the end of lockdown and wonder what our lives are going to look like and how we’re going to be. So a prayer for those having a Bad Day:

Not a good day by Frances Copsey

I know you are angry, 
Says God. Your silence screams. 
So get real, 
Be your hidden self with me, 
The one that is not 
Nice, not nice at all. Don’t be embarrassed, 
Bawl if you want to. 
Kick and pout like a child, 
I like children. Yes, 
Poo, tantrums and all, since you ask 
So when someone says “Let us pray . . .” 
Knot your arms and mutter 
If it helps, 
It’s where you are just now, 
And where you are is 
Exactly where I want to be, too. 
With you.

So that’s partly where I feel I am right now. On a different note is a sonnet called Mothering Sunday: 

Mothering Sunday by Malcolm Guite

At last, in spite of all, a recognition,
For those who loved and laboured for so long,
Who brought us, through that labour, to fruition
To flourish in the place where we belong.
A thanks to those who stayed and did the raising,
Who buckled down and did the work of two,
Whom governments have mocked instead of praising,
Who hid their heart-break and still struggled through,
The single mothers forced onto the edge
Whose work the world has overlooked, neglected,
Invisible to wealth and privilege,
But in whose lives the kingdom is reflected.
Now into Christ our mother church we bring them,
Who shares with them the birth-pangs of His Kingdom.

Finally I would like to finish with a prayer, called ‘Come, Mother God’:

Come, Mother God by John Harvey

Come as an enfolding, nurturing presence,come as steadfast love
to hold us.
Come Father God:
come as an enabling, strengthening force,
come as tough love
to let us go.
Come, Parent God:
come as friend and comforter
healing our wounds,
walking our way.
Come as wounded healer
to make us whole. 

Thank you for joining me today in the rectory garden, where the birds are singing their hearts out. There is also the sound of traffic as children have returned to school today and so many people whose lives have changed today. In that change I pray that you will hear that God wants to be where you are, whatever is going on in your life. Whatever causes you to engage with Mothering Sunday, whether it is pain, heartbreak, anger, disappointment, loss or just joy and handmade gifts, God will be with you. 

I pray for each and every one of you and wish you all a blessed week.

Rev Rona

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