02/07/2024 0 Comments
‘whoever sows generously will also reap generously’
‘whoever sows generously will also reap generously’
# Reflections

‘whoever sows generously will also reap generously’
Reflection Six – ‘whoever sows generously will also reap generously’
My sixth and possibly final reflection on the natural world is based on crocuses. It was inspired by the stunning display of these beautiful but delicate flowers, at the corner of the Merrow roundabout. They came to mind when I was thinking about God in the world and about how we can reflect on what happens in nature to bring us closer to God.
A friend of mine recently posted a photo on Facebook of crocuses popping up on her front lawn. Unsure as to what they were, she asked ‘can anybody identify these flowers?’ Unsurprisingly lots of people commented that they were crocuses.
This made me think about the beautiful crocuses in Merrow. They were planted by people in the parish who wanted to give other people the pleasure of seeing them as they drove or walked up to the roundabout. Years later they keep popping up and filling us with such joy as we marvel at their exquisiteness, which is so short-lived, that it makes their glory even more precious.
There is a parallel with a book I’m reading which is written from the perspective of a young boy. His parents are splitting up and he stands looking at the crocuses in their front lawn, which he had planted with his father. He asks his mother ‘when we sell our house, can we dig them up?’ His mother answers ‘no, we’ll leave them where they are so they will be enjoyed by other people.’
The crocuses in flower make me think of the seeds of faith which may be planted in us throughout our lives and with encouragement will grow and flourish. Most of us will recognise a person who planted a seed of faith in our hearts at some time in our lives.
It might have been a Sunday school teacher, a beloved grandparent, a next door neighbour, a faithful person, someone in a shop, or somebody who was kind.
Can you reflect on what plants or seeds of faith have been planted in your life?
There are times when we have seized an opportunity and have done the planting in other people’s lives. There may also be times when we let that opportunity go and just walked on by. I encourage you to reflect on where those opportunities might be in our world at this moment. Where might we be able to grab some bulbs and go and plant them in the lives of others? When we do this, as people walk past that person in the future, they might see a seed or a bulb that you had planted.
As you can imagine, there many bible verses which speak of this encouragement and I’ve chosen just three of my favourites.
Psalm 90 verse 17
‘May the favour of the Lord our God rest on us; establish the work of our hands for us-- yes, establish the work of our hands.’
1 Thessalonians 5:11
Paul’s first letter to the people in Thessaloniki says, ‘therefore encourage one another and build each other up, just as in fact you are doing.’
2 Corinthians 9:6
In Paul’s second letter to the people of Corinth, he writes ‘Remember this, whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, whoever sows generously will also reap generously.’
These verses help us to feel encouraged when we’re trying to sow seeds or plant bulbs in other peoples lives. The parishioners who planted the Merrow roundabout crocuses, did so with generosity and without knowing who would benefit from their actions.
Over the next few weeks or months, why not try to plant a single bulb in another person’s life?
Each week I reflect on a person who has helped me on my faith journey. This week, it is a person who sowed a seed in my faith life many, many years ago. She had no idea it would come to fruition. Miss Clancy was one of my matrons at school when I was 13. She showed me that the bible was relevant to me and that faith was something I could have a personal investment in and that I could have my own relationship with God. Miss Clancy sowed that initial tiny seed, which has now grown into a field as I’ve been ordained. Have there been many Miss Clancys in your life?
As we close, think of all those saints who have gone before us, whose work and witness has offered us a glimpse of what it means to be blessed and to be a blessing to others.
I hope you will now join me in saying the Lord’s prayer using whichever version you choose.
Thank you for following this series of reflections on the natural world and for opening your minds and hearts to reflect on God’s presence amongst us. Please continue to enjoy this beautiful world that God has made for us.
With blessings
Rev Rona