Harvest Festival Service of Holy Communion - Sunday 4th October

Harvest Festival Service of Holy Communion - Sunday 4th October

Harvest Festival Service of Holy Communion - Sunday 4th October

# Communion

Harvest Festival Service of Holy Communion - Sunday 4th October

Our live Sunday service this week is our Harvest Festival. The service will be live streamed on Facebook at 10am. 

If you would like to follow the service live, click here to go to Facebook.

We will be collecting non-perishable donations for BESOM in a Covid-Secure manner. We will also be staying for an hour after the service for anyone who wants to leave donations then. 

The service is being recorded and will be available to watch from 1pm on Sunday afternoon.  To view the recorded service simply click here and select ‘play all’ to enable you sing some wonderfully rousing hymns!

To donate in our virtual collection plate for St John's please click here

Our Service Sheet can be found here and the latest newsletter is here.

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