


# Reflections


Rona’s sixth reflection in this series examines the importance of courage in building a post-COVID world. Through being courageous and encouraging others to be brave, we can build an improved and more sustainable ‘normal’ than before; one which is centred on the love of God and kindness towards each other.

There are many mentions of courage in the Bible and there is a special resonance to be found in 1 Corinthians. Paul writes: ‘stand firm in your faith; be courageous; be strong. Do everything in love.’ These words could have been written today, as they are so meaningful in this strange, new world in which we find ourselves. Through His love, even the least courageous of us can find the strength to carry out God’s will. Together we will be strong and create a better future, lived in faith.

Recommended book: The Road of Blessing – Finding God’s direction for your life by Penelope Wilcock examines aligning our lives with the will of God.

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