Thanks for joining as at The Parish BBQ

Thanks for joining as at The Parish BBQ

Thanks for joining as at The Parish BBQ

# News

Thanks for joining as at The Parish BBQ

Thank you for joining us at the Parish BBQ - 17TH JULY.

“Temperature will top 30C next Sunday. Men’s Fellowship are subcontracted to provide the banquet. Dangerous times we live in; if we don’t die of heatstroke, we’ll suffer from food poisoning. This Christian fellowship thing might be a bit risky. No, surely not. Come on, let’s go; we’ve spent little enough time these last two years chatting with our friends after church. It’s really a great opportunity”.

And so it proved. We all sat down in the hall, windows and doors open, curtains closed, sheltered from the burning sun, nearly 50 of us. On the stroke of noon, with military precision, (although the cordon lacked some bleu) the Banquet was served. Standard BBQ fare of burgers, sausages and chicken, embroidered with delicate and varied salads (provided by some ladies - thankyou) and the meal topped off with strawberries and ice cream.

What better way to spend a Sunday. Communion at 10; coffee at 11; BBQ at noon; home mid afternoon to drowse it off in the summer heat. And the gossip we caught up on talking with our friends and acquaintances. And we left it all to the Men’s Fellowship to clear away.

Thank you.

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