Gift Day - 5th June 2022

Gift Day - 5th June 2022

Gift Day - 5th June 2022

# News

Gift Day - 5th June 2022

Sunday saw the culmination of our Gift Day Appeal came at Pentecost, Sunday 5th June.

You can donate by clicking here.

So that we can continue our work for Christ and Community we need to address our current financial state, which is far from healthy.

We, the congregation of St. Johns, are the people challenged to rectify this.

Hopefully, you have received your personally addressed Brochure describing the problems and the opportunities is available for you in church from this Sunday.  Alternatively, you can also download it by clicking here.

Please take it, consider the challenges it describes and think about your response.

Additionally, we ask you to consider a bequest in your will. Help us to provide for future generations to enjoy what we have at St John’s. A Legacy Information Pack to help you consider this can be found here.

Thank you.

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